Naslov sporočila: clarke, rainbow hope Čet Dec 05, 2013 7:27 pm
rainbow hope clarke 20 - painting and sculpturing – eugene (oregon), usa - zeta lambda delta - charlotte free
001. no, pa začnimo s popolnoma formalnimi zadevami. tvoje polno ime je? oh, it is rainbow hope clarke. I go by rain, because it is simpler and my parents used to call me that.
002. in za kaj si prišel/šla na ta otok? kaj študiraš? I study painting and sculpturing. I just love creating and you can do so many so wonderful things! it’s amazing, really.
003. pa meniš, da si zasluženo tukaj? je imel pri tem prste tudi kdo drug? I think this is a funny question! they said I was really talented and that I could come. that letter was really lovely!
004. imaš kakšen hobi? kaj rad/a počneš? I paint a lot. or make things. or create. I love colors! they are so pretty and bright and lovely! so I mostly just create things, yes. I wish I could dance ballet! I would if I could, it is really beautiful. and so marvelous! well, I have my marvelous things. people say I get lost in creating and sometimes they point out colors that somehow get on my clothes, but I don’t mind them. they are so lovely!
005. si levičar/ka ali desničar/ka? I believe I am left handed. I paint with my right hand, though. it is so nice to change things from time to time!
006. kaj je prva stvar, ki jo narediš takrat, ko prideš domov? I water my plants or maybe bake something to eat. I love cupcakes! cupcakes are great. but I always water my plants first. I have a lot of green plants and cactuses and bonsais! bonsai trees are my favorites because they have pink leaves and I have pink hair and it is such wonderful combination, you know?
007. če bi stopili v tvojo sobo, kaj bi bilo na tvoji nočni omarici? ali pa košu za smeti? well, there are plants on my nightstand. the biggest bonsai tree I own is located there. I call him steve. it suits him.
008. katere so bile zadnje osebe, s katerimi si opravil/a mobilni pogovor? recimo, naj jih bo 5. what? mobile phone? oh, I don’t do that often. I don’t really remember! I write letters to my auntie and she writes them back to me, so we don’t use phones. I think the last phone conversation I had was with those nice people on the institute when they invited me for the interview! yeah, it must’ve been that.
009. kakšna bi bila tvoja reakcija ob spoznanju, da je tvoje letalo prisiljeno pristati zaradi okvare? oh, I would be really excited! well, we would probably land somewhere nice and amazing such as an abandoned island and those are so lovely! I like the idea of getting somewhere no one has been in a long, long time!
010. se bojiš žuželk? why would I be afraid of those lovely little creatures?
011. imaš svojo boljšo polovico? I believe that everyone has it! the universe connects us all in a magnificent way. it is truly brilliant, but I am afraid I have not yet found my better half. but did you ever consider a possibility that everyone has more than one significant other? there are so many lovely people you can connect with on so many different levels!
012. kaj pa tvoja družina? ste med seboj povezani? my family is huge! I grew up in eugene and there are a lot of flower children living there. they are all my family, you know? but if you are asking me about my so called real family –yeah, I am really close with my aunt rose and her family! my parents live in new york, though. my mum used to live with my auntie, but then she met dad and he took her away. aunt rose says she used to be really lovely and that she used to have flowers in her hair, but then she met my dad and I guess she is different now. she has shorter hair now and she doesn’t put flower crowns in them. she doesn’t like flowers either! but she is still very lovely! my dad doesn’t talk to me much. he once said that I am too difficult. I don’t understand what he meant, but I am sure he is quite a charming man!
013. ob odraščanju, predvidevam, da je bilo v vaši kuhinji kup različnih vonjev. katerih treh se najbolje spominjaš? flowers! all the flowers smell so nicely and there was always a vase with them in the kitchen. I also remember the scent of basil and freshly baked bread.
014. je kozarec napol poln ali napol prazen? it is always totally full! why would you not be happy if you can choose to be happy?
015. če bi se lahko spremenil/a v žival, katera bi to bila? oh, I would be a butterfly! or a cat. or maybe a panda. pandas are so cute! I would probably be one of those, yes. why do I have to pick just one?
016. katerega od naštetih prostorov imaš najraje: obalo, notranjost svoje sobe, šolske predavalnice, ali kaj drugega? oh, beach. definitely beach!
017. ali verjameš v nebesna znamenja? of course I do! it is very important when you were born. it has a huge impact on a person and moon circles are also very fascinating! I know a lot about that because my aunt river always used to take me to her shop and then she would go on and on about those things. I always found them interesting.
018. kaj v svojem življenju najbolj obžaluješ? I have no regrets. there is no point in regrets! life is so wonderful, isn’t it?
019. kdo je bil/a oseba, s katero si doživel/a prvi poljub? izgubo nedolžnosti? first kiss was with luco. he was very amazing and he brought me flowers and it was all very nice! and my first time was with cato. he was my neighbor and everything happened outside under the stars and it was really lovely!
020. v kakšnem kostumu bi se prikazal/a na zabavi za noč čarovnic? I would be a fairy! or a flower. probably a fairy! they are beautiful!
021. kaj je bilo na meniju tvojega zadnjega kosila? it was a cupcake. I love cupcakes!
022. čaj ali kava? I prefer tea! there are so many amazing flavors!
023. ali v kaj verjameš? v boga? karkoli drugega? I believe in universe and in nature and in kindness of people!
024. kakšno zvrst glasbe najraje poslušaš? I don’t listen to that much music! I like going outside and listening to birds sing. or oceans. or rivers. or anything nature-related, you know?
025. kaj bi te najlažje spravilo v jok? oh, I don’t cry often! but I don’t like when people are not very nice or when they treat others badly or when they are cruel, so I guess that would be it.
026. če bi te prijatelji morali opisati v petih besedah, katere bi to bile? five words? well they say that I am very simple and that flower crowns suit me a lot and that I sometimes ask too many questions but I am still very lovely and they say I care a lot and that I can paint amazingly! does any of that count? I am sorry, I got distracted in between.
027. opiši mi tvoje sanje, tvoja pričakovanja? oh, I really want all the world to be a nicer place! I want more love and more art and more birds and trees and flowers! in the end, flowers are amazing. do you like daisies?
oxy - 19 – we did that already – hazel and nyah – for the third time: lovely!
kay is rocking your world!
2nd year of tba
prispevki : 1172
točke : 267
kraj bivanja : pinepple tree under the sea
starost lika : //
tvoja starost : 32
Naslov sporočila: Re: clarke, rainbow hope Čet Dec 05, 2013 7:32 pm
ACCEPTED. rain clarke, welcome to the withmore's institute of education!
juj ox, she's such a dreamer neo-hippie style of a person. i'm seriously excited to see her up here! bejži popisati formalnosti in se potem loti pisanja, yes?
kakorkoli, hitro popiši face claim in member directory, odpri plot page in tvoje življenje tu se lahko začne! pa srečno (: