Naslov sporočila: randall, maddox harper Čet Dec 05, 2013 1:46 pm
maddox h. randall
29 - assistant professor at the arts department - chicago, illinois - withmore staff - anthony gastelier
001. no, pa začnimo s popolnoma formalnimi zadevami. tvoje polno ime je? ''full name? right. that would be maddox harper randall. i simply go by maddox.''
002. in za kaj si prišel delat prav na ta otok? kaj poučuješ? ''i came her first almost ten years ago. at first i studied psychology, due to my parents wishes. and it wasn't my thing. then i switched to art history and modern arts, got a degree her and then started working with a small gallery in new york. the opportunity arose to fill an empty position her, so i came to work as an assistant professor at the deparment of arts. i teach courses in painting and sculpturing.''
003. pa meniš, da si zasluženo tukaj? je imel pri tem prste tudi kdo drug? ''well, if the faculty believed my recommendations were good enough... then i guess i earned my spot.''
004. imaš kakšen hobi? kaj rad/a počneš? ''i guess since my job is teaching then sculpturing would be considered a hobby. but i do earn money making that shit too, so... i guess i like reading to some extent. mostly weird historical fiction and comic fiction. i also run? that's what i do when it comes to me-time, yeah.''
005. si levičar/ka ali desničar/ka? ''um. right handed.''
006. kaj je prva stvar, ki jo narediš takrat, ko prideš domov? ''i'm usually at home only in the evening. so most of the time i turn the TV on to catch the late news and then i sit in front of the TV and enjoy a glass of wine. call me whatever you want but nothing is better than a good wine and a good couch under your ass.''
007. če bi stopili v tvojo sobo, kaj bi bilo na tvoji nočni omarici? ali pa košu za smeti? ''my room is actually pristine clean. i don't spend much time in there. right now i'm still in the phase of unpacking, so boxes are covering every free space in there.''
008. katere so bile zadnje osebe, s katerimi si opravil/a mobilni pogovor? recimo, naj jih bo 5. ''my fiancée, my mother, fiancée, best bud thiago, fiancée.''
009. kakšna bi bila tvoja reakcija ob spoznanju, da je tvoje letalo prisiljeno pristati zaradi okvare? ''well, i wouldn't want to die, that's for sure. i would remain calm i think, i work okay under pressure. as long as the crew gave us information and followed the correct procedure, i'd be good. as long as we don't crash down into the ocean or something.''
010. se bojiš žuželk? ''not really, no.''
011. imaš svojo boljšo polovico? ''i am engaged. whether she's my soulmate and true love and all that bollocks... i have no idea.''
012. kaj pa tvoja družina? ste med seboj povezani? ''i am relatively close with my mother. or better said, she's close with me. my father died a few years ago due to heart attack and that shook her quite a lot. i have a younger brother and a younger sister too. we are all quite connected. i had a normal childhood in suburban chicago. my mother however has all these plans for me. she wanted me to be a doctor, a lawyer or some other fancy profession. she got used to the fact that i will never be that. now she wants me to settle down, give her a bunch of grandkids. she's very old-fashioned. by her standards i should've had three kids and a wife by now.''
013. ob odraščanju, predvidevam, da je bilo v vaši kuhinji kup različnih vonjev. katerih treh se najbolje spominjaš? ''our back doors were always open in summer and spring. so the smell of grass always lingered there. also my mother made the best cherry pie, that one smelled nicely too.''
014. je kozarec napol poln ali napol prazen? ''um. what?''
015. če bi se lahko spremenil/a v žival, katera bi to bila? ''ugh, this is a completely non-essential question. i guess a... shit. i don't know. maybe a llama? i suck at this, shit.''
016. katerega od naštetih prostorov imaš najraje: obalo, notranjost svoje sobe, šolske predavalnice, ali kaj drugega? ''the art studio.''
017. ali verjameš v nebesna znamenja? ''not really.''
018. kaj v svojem življenju najbolj obžaluješ? ''i guess there are some things i'm not exactly proud off. but i don't feel like sharing them, heh. in my teens i did a bunch of stupid shit and only when i found art i managed to pull myself together. i won't go into details but yeah... i came a long way.''
019. kdo je bil/a oseba, s katero si doživel/a prvi poljub? izgubo nedolžnosti? ''first kiss was chubby lana in third grade or something. ironically she is now married and has kids and a great job at one of the main hospitals in chicago. and i'm just pathetic me. cherry popping... back seat of my first car with loreen from next door. sweet girl. kinda frigid though.''
020. v kakšnem kostumu bi se prikazal/a na zabavi za noč čarovnic? ''a scone.''
021. kaj je bilo na meniju tvojega zadnjega kosila? ''i had some leftover chinese. cold. eh.''
022. čaj ali kava? ''i'm a profound coffee lover.''
023. ali v kaj verjameš? v boga? karkoli drugega? ''i was raised in catholic spirit but in my heart i'm an atheist. don't tell my mother that, though. she'll have a fuss.''
024. kakšno zvrst glasbe najraje poslušaš? ''i usually turn up some heavy things while i'm working. motorhead, judas priest, metallica, something along those lines.''
025. kaj bi te najlažje spravilo v jok? ''i don't know. i didn't even cry at my father's funeral.''
026. če bi te prijatelji morali opisati v petih besedah, katere bi to bile? ''social, artistic, creative, sometimes obnoxious, dedicated (to art and work). i guess they would use those traits... just ask them.''
027. opiši mi tvoje sanje, tvoja pričakovanja? ''i'm just living as i go. i don't make plans, actually i hate making plans. that's why the date for the wedding is still not set. i hope one day i find a thing i'm searching for. whatever, whoever that thing is.''
alex - 19 - enough - jem & axel - a third one, yes.
kay is rocking your world!
Nazadnje urejal/a maddox randall Čet Dec 05, 2013 6:31 pm; skupaj popravljeno 1 krat
2nd year of tba
prispevki : 1172
točke : 267
kraj bivanja : pinepple tree under the sea
starost lika : //
tvoja starost : 32
Naslov sporočila: Re: randall, maddox harper Čet Dec 05, 2013 6:36 pm
ACCEPTED. maddox randall, welcome to the staff of withmore's institute!
hi! maddox is super interesting, yes yes. :3 tvoj opis je sprejet, bejži popisati formalnosti in se potem loti pisanja
kakorkoli, hitro popiši face claim in member directory, odpri plot page in tvoje življenje tu se lahko začne! pa srečno (: