
 ghezzo, luana astrid

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carina bretz
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ghezzo, luana astrid Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: ghezzo, luana astrid   ghezzo, luana astrid EmptyTor Dec 10, 2013 12:40 am

luana astrid ghezzo
29 - professor of psychology - bucharest, romania - natalie portman

001. no, pa začnimo s popolnoma formalnimi zadevami. tvoje polno ime je?
luana astrid ghezzo.

002. in za kaj si prišla na ta otok?
well, i quit my other job and was sort of looking for a different one. not so much a completely different field, just something easier, something i can actually handle. it seemed good, because it's thousands of miles away from home, and who knows, maybe that's exactly what i need in life to be happy.

003. pa meniš, da si zasluženo tukaj? je imel pri tem prste tudi kdo drug?
i don't think so. myself and nepotism don't mix well, plus i don't know anyone around here.

004. imaš kakšen hobi? kaj rada počneš?
reading used to be a hobby, but as a psychologist i rarely got any free time, like any time to just relax and enjoy my time. i was so involved with my patients, that it started to influence my private life, and i had to make a top to it. so yeah, i guess i'll have to find something to do with myself now that i'm not as busy anymore.

005. si levičarka ali desničarka?
i can actually write with both hands. my grandma was one of those strict people that were raised thinking you weren't supposed to write with your left, inferior, hand. i think i was born to be left handed, but was also taught to do stuff with my right hand.

006. kaj je prva stvar, ki jo narediš takrat, ko prideš domov?
sleep. definitely sleep.

007. če bi stopili v tvojo sobo, kaj bi bilo na tvoji nočni omarici? ali pa košu za smeti?
if you came check on me months ago, you'd definitely find some important notes on my clients. now ... probably just some chocolate wrappers and clothes.

008. katere so bile zadnje osebe, s katerimi si opravila mobilni pogovor? recimo, naj jih bo 5.
i talked to my mother and best friend, who was actually my boyfriend, before we broke up because of work. yeah, work really messed my life up badly.

009. kakšna bi bila tvoja reakcija ob spoznanju, da je tvoje letalo prisiljeno pristati zaradi okvare?
i'd probably reach into my purse and overdose with prozac.

010. se bojiš žuželk?
nope, they're actually kinda cute.

011. imaš svojo boljšo polovico?
not anymore.

012. kaj pa tvoja družina? ste med seboj povezani?
we used to be if that counts. my life sort of took a couple spins around and then ... well, we weren't as close as we used to be anymore. it all went to shit basically. but hey, i'm my own family now.

013. ob odraščanju, predvidevam, da je bilo v vaši kuhinji kup različnih vonjev. katerih treh se najbolje spominjaš?
god, i really don't want to think about that. i had an amazing childhood, but thinking about it makes me super homesick and i don't want to be. i don't want to miss a place where so many bad things have happened to me.

014. je kozarec napol poln ali napol prazen?

015. če bi se lahko spremenila v žival, katera bi to bila?
an otter. they're cute.

016. katerega od naštetih prostorov imaš najraje: obalo, notranjost svoje sobe, šolske predavalnice, ali kaj drugega?

017. ali verjameš v nebesna znamenja?
not exactly. but sometimes they give you a safety net you need.

018. kaj v svojem življenju najbolj obžaluješ?
i regret giving so much of me to other people. i regret pushing myself to the limits, to the edge. i regret literally selling myself, because that changed me. from a positive young woman into ... well, into something i don't exactly enjoy.

019. kdo je bila oseba, s katero si doživela prvi poljub? izgubo nedolžnosti?
wow, that's a long time ago. i don't remember the first kiss, but i do remember that second thing. it's not relevant though.

020. v kakšnem kostumu bi se prikazala na zabavi za noč čarovnic?
i don't dress up.

021. kaj je bilo na meniju tvojega zadnjega kosila?
mcdonalds. yeah, i love it.

022. čaj ali kava?
coffee. i'm obsessed. addicted. whatever.

023. ali v kaj verjameš? v boga? karkoli drugega?
i don't believe, but a lot of my patients did. some found hope in jesus, when they were completely lost. i don't suggest that though, you might end up bankrupt or with your brains washed out.

024. kakšno zvrst glasbe najraje poslušaš?

025. kaj bi te najlažje spravilo v jok?
everything lately.

026. če bi te prijatelji morali opisati v petih besedah, katere bi to bile?
a little bit crazy, very ambitious, self-conscious, hopeless, loving when i let someone close enough.

027. opiši mi tvoje sanje, tvoja pričakovanja?
i just want to find myself again. i want to find the love i felt for psychology when i first started college and i thought i could do that here, by teaching what i was taught.

ava - 21 - quite a bit - royboy - amejzink ok!

kay is rocking your world!

Nazadnje urejal/a luana ghezzo Tor Dec 10, 2013 9:45 am; skupaj popravljeno 2 krat
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prispevki : 733
točke : 168
kraj bivanja : berlin, germany
starost lika : 25
tvoja starost : 31

ghezzo, luana astrid Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: ghezzo, luana astrid   ghezzo, luana astrid EmptySre Dec 11, 2013 12:14 pm

luana ghezzo, welcome to withmore's institute of education!

i mean you know i love you and everything and luana is a hottie and i think i might have an idea for her & dylan just in case you're interested so we'll chat about that. go get her rolling! <3

kakorkoli, hitro popiši face claim in member directory, odpri plot page in tvoje življenje tu se lahko začne! pa srečno (:
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ghezzo, luana astrid

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