
 the fountain

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the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: the fountain   the fountain EmptyČet Okt 17, 2013 5:04 pm
the fountain Fountain1
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bay humphrey
bay humphrey
prispevki : 15
točke : 2
kraj bivanja : boston, ma
starost lika : 22
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyNed Dec 01, 2013 6:54 pm

    / nyah crawford /
    resnici na ljubo, niti sanjalo se mu ni kako naj reagira na odziv svoje sogovornice. počutil se je tako butasto in nemočno. samo stal je tam, kot vkopan dokler v možgane ni dobil tistega steci za njo intervala. ni je mogel kriviti, kakopak. kaj pa je pravzaprav pričakoval? da se mu bo vrgla v objem in mirno sprejela dejstvo, da ji je pod nos ravnokar pomolil list papirja na kateremu piše nek totalni nesmisel o dogovorjeni poroki med nekima afriškima družinama. dogovor med njunima afriškima družinama. dogovor o njuni poroki. že od tistega dneva, ko jo je prvič videl na kampusu je premleval ali se mu jo sploh splača vpletati v to. tako ali tako sedaj živita popolnoma drugačno življenje, da bi tisti list papirja komaj kaj pomenil. zazdelo se mu je, da je v eni sami minuti uspel uničiti vse za kar se je trudil zadnjih nekaj mesecev, ko je vkorakal v življenje nyah crawford. že tako je imel občutek, da ga dekle ne prenese. blazno se je moral namučiti, da si je pridobil njeno zaupanje in prijateljstvo in ji dal vedeti, da ni eden tistih, ki bi jo samo izkoristil, se obrnil za 180 stopinj in jo popihal kakor hitro bi ga nesle noge. očitno je res butec, da je mislil, da bo nekaj kozarčkov tekile pripomoglo k boljšem sprejemanju novice. "nyah! počakaj! hudiča, ustavi se že no!" bog ne daj, da bi bil sedaj v slabi telesni kondiciji. tako je nikoli ne bi uspel dohiteti. izgubljala se je v gosti črni temi. uspelo mu jo je pograbiti za nadlaht in mogoče je izpadel čisto malce bolj grobo kot bi si želel. jebeš, tokrat mu ona ni prepustila nobene druge izbire. "poslušaj me in ne bezljaj okoli kot norica! ni konec sveta, razumeš? se lahko vsaj normalno pogovoriva, kot... normalna človeka? vem, da si besna kot ris in razjarjena kot železo, a vendar mi za trenutek prisluhni in me pusti, da ti objasnim zadevo." po končanem monologu je uspel globoko zadihati. stavil bi, da je polovica njegovih besed zvenela katastrofalno nerazločno, zahvaljujoč njegovemu globokemu glasu, trenutni zadihanosti, živčnosti, jezi, zmedenosti in ostalemu vrtincu čustev, katera so se v zadnje pol ure kopičile v njemu in čakale na svojo priložnost za izbruh. skoraj momljal je že. "tudi jaz nisem vedel okej! tvoj odziv je... ne bom ti lagal, pričakoval sem, da se boš odzvala nekoliko bolj... skulirano. najini pravi starši so v preteklosti pač sklenili dogovor in ta dogovor ne spremeni niti enega dejstva med nama. najino prijateljstvo je resnično, ne glede na kos papirja." med tem, ko je baya žgalo vznotraj navzven je bil njen obraz še vedno tako prazen, takrat mu je postalo žal. mogoče bi bilo res bolje, da ji nikoli ne bi povedal. cepec.
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nyah crawford
nyah crawford
prispevki : 180
točke : 148
kraj bivanja : los angeles, us.
starost lika : 21.
tvoja starost : 30

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyNed Dec 01, 2013 8:13 pm

vsekakor je bila besna. zadnje čase je bila tako ali tako večino časa besna, glavni krivec za to pa je bil jem. zdaj ga v njenem življenju ni bilo več in morala ga je spraviti tudi iz svojega glave, kar je bilo vsekakor lažje reči kot storiti. hotela je zapiti svojo bolečino ali pa jo zamaskirati s kakšnim neznancem, ampak potem je naletela na baya. saj ni imela kaj prot njemu; v zadnjem času sta se skoraj ujela, čeprav je bila njegova konstantna družba zanjo nekoliko nadležna, ker se ni preveč dobro soočala z ljudmi in potem je na dan privlekel tisto presneto stvar in ji postavil svet na glavo in zdaj je bila… še bolj jezna, kolikor je to pač sploh šlo. korakala je nekam  - kamorkoli, samo stran. vsak drug dan bi se mu zasmejala v obraz in mu povedala, kaj si misli o tem, ampak zdaj je imela preveč vsega in tako je samo vstala in se pognala stran od njega. zbežala je. dekle, ki ni nikoli bežalo ali jokalo ali počelo karkoli preveč tipičnega… vse to je bilo zdaj skoraj smešno. »ne,« je jezno ugovarjala, ne da bi se sploh ozrla nazaj. zakaj za vraga jo je zdaj zasledoval? in potem jo je nenadoma zagrabil za roko in ji tako ni dal druge izbire kot pa da se je dejansko ustavila in se jezno zastrmela vanj, ko je govoril. »kaj za vraga pa naj bi rekla, bay?« ni imela energije da bi se zdaj ubadala še s tem, ampak obenem je bila to morda celo distrakcija, ki jo je potrebovala. »kako to misliš, nisi vedel prej? vsekakor se mi je zdelo, kot da si bil popolnoma okej s tem!« skoraj bi zapihala vanj kot jezna mačka, ampak je namesto tega potisnila temen pramen las nazaj in izpulila roko iz njegovega oprijema. »najino prijateljstvo?« je ponovila in se jezno namrščila, medtem ko je pogled uprla vanj. »si prepričan, da kaj takšnega sploh obstaja?«
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bay humphrey
bay humphrey
prispevki : 15
točke : 2
kraj bivanja : boston, ma
starost lika : 22
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyČet Dec 05, 2013 9:12 pm

    / nyah crawford /
    roke je nemo vrgel v zrak, nato pa je iz njegovih ust priletela še sočna kletvica. "nyah, oh ja. ko sem izvedel za najino tako rečeno dogovorjeno poroko sem skočil do stropa, naredil pirueto, ob doskoku pa sem od veselja stopil še v špago. kako si lahko ta-tako... sebična? v celotni situaciji zopet gledaš samo nase. ne veš koliko časa sem premleval, ali naj ti sploh povem." uspešno se je izmuznila iz njegovega oprijema, zato je prekrižal roke na prsih in nekoliko prazno zrl v svojo sogovornico. naslednje besede so ga zadele kot strela z jasnega. dala mu je misliti. kaj če je to res. če mu krušni starši pred tolikimi meseci ne bi razkrili te podrobnosti o njegovi preteklosti, se mogoče njegovo življenje nikoli ne bi prepletno z nyahinim. vseeno, konec koncev je bil bay iskreno vesel, da jo je spoznal. nažalost, tega očitno ne more reči obojestransko, čeprav se mu je zadnje dni zdelo, da je v punci prebudil nekaj, kar že dolgo sili na plan. nyah je poznal dovolj dolgo in dobro, da je vedel, da je temnolasa afriška lepotica prava profesionalka v prekrivanju in aranžiranju svojih čustev. nikoli mu je ni uspelo v celoti prebrati, a še vedno je imel občutek, kot da jo na nek način razume. "ja... ja, mogoče imaš res prav. zakaj bi se ti primadona družila z nekom kot sem jaz. oprosti, da sem sploh kdaj pomislil na kaj takega. da sem za trenutek pomislil, da se za to hladno fasado pravzaprav skriva toplina in goreča želja po ljubljenosti." brezveze se trudiš bay. tej kraljici že ne bo krona z glave padla. bil je ogorčen sam nad seboj. bil je ogorčen nad svojo zmedenostjo. sploh ni vedel kaj hoče. naj jo pusti, da odide in pozabi nanj in vse skupaj ali naj se prvi pobriše on. vse mu je že močno presedalo. bil je strpen do nje in njenega hladnega odnosa do njega, tokrat pa je imel dovolj. to se torej zgodi, ko spoznaš osebo s katero naj bi sodeč po dogovoru preživel svoje življenje? "udari me, samo če se boš potem počutila bolje, a naj te opomnim, da vse skupaj ni moja krivda. najini starši so se verjetno še pred najinim rojstvom dogovorili za to sranje. zahvali se njim. poleg tega sklepam, da dogovor ni veljaven. sam sploh še nisem bil v afriki. razen, ko sem bil dojenček seveda, pa tudi tega se sploh ne spominjam." skomignil je z rameni in se zamislil. njegove misli so odtavale, nakar je stopil bližje in ustrelil kot iz topa. "preden klasično odvihraš stran, te prosim samo to. zazri se mi v oči in mi povej, da ti najino prijateljstvo nikoli ni nič pomenilo. oziroma, da ga sploh ni bilo. da je vse skupaj samo moja utvara. ti in jaz. nič."
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paxton terrell
paxton terrell
3rd year of medicine
3rd year of medicine
prispevki : 177
točke : 94
kraj bivanja : usa
starost lika : 20
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyPet Dec 06, 2013 4:35 pm
this post is for dear hazel i've got 331 words in this post, i'm listening to angus & julia stone and here we go

he felt lost on an unknown island, but luckily he had hazel here. only problem was that she didn`t know that. hazel probably thought that he is enjoying his first coffee of the day in the local coffee shop while she is trying to find out more ways to educate herself. little she knew that he was doing same as her. travis didn`t want to call her in first second when he landed on island, but he wanted to surprise her. maybe he wanted to play a little game. whole life was a big silly play for him and you could sense from a minute you get to know him what he was about- typical artist- nothing was serious enough for him. minutes turned into the seconds and finally around the campus the school bell rang. it was a question of minutes when hazel is going to pass him, because he was checking where she was always going in plan of surprising her. yes, he was stalking her but in a good cause. he was not a creepy old men stalking a beautiful young lady. that young lady was only few years younger than him and his best friend. how could he have a bad intensions ?

travis was sitting on the edge of the fountain with crossed arms around his chest patiently waiting for a brown-headed girl. weather was nice and he started to get more and more excited as the minutes goes by. he didn`t see her in a long time and she didn`t know that he also got a chance to be here with her. and then suddenly he saw her same as always. he turned around in intention that she doesn`t see him. travis waited only this much that hazel passed him and then he went behind her. his arm catch her when he was close enough and his hands covered her eyes. “ guess who, lady “ he murmured into her ear and smiled right away.

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nyah crawford
nyah crawford
prispevki : 180
točke : 148
kraj bivanja : los angeles, us.
starost lika : 21.
tvoja starost : 30

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyPet Dec 06, 2013 7:54 pm

bila je tako zelo jezna in najbolj žalostno od vsega skupaj je bilo najbrž dejstvo, da sploh ni bila jezna nanj. vsaj ne tako, popolnoma in v celoti. morda si je prislužil malo njene jeze, da, ampak večina je letela na jema. ampak jema ni bilo kjerkoli v bližini in ko se je večer, ki ga je hotela preživeti dokaj sproščeno, spreobrnil zaradi baya… no ja, morala je nekam dati svojo jezo. »oh moj bog. ja, seveda sem sebična. sebična, resno? izmed vseh besed ki jih imaš na voljo v prekletem slovarju boš izbral sebična prav, zdaj je bil vsekakor bay tisti, ki jo je jezil. od začetka je bil nekoliko nadležno prijazen, da, ampak nekako se je navadila na vse skupaj in ga sprejela. nikoli ni niti pomotoma pričakovala, da se bo vse skupaj obrnilo v to smer. ugriznila se je v ustnico ko je nadaljeval; njegove besede so nekoliko zaskelele na njeni koži, predvsem zato, ker se je del nje zadeval, da ima prav. bila je presneto neumna in obnašala se je nerazsodno. ampak ni ji bilo mar. ni ji moglo biti mar, ne po vsem , skozi kar je šla v zadnjih parih dneh. »ne, ne bom te udarila, bay. presneto, kaj za vraga je narobe s tabo? niti pomislila nisem na to, da bi te…« jezno je utihnila, ogorčena že samo zaradi same misli na to. prav, včasih je imela izpade in se fizično spravila na naključnega človeka, ampak bay je bil preveč presneto dober, da bi to storila. kako neumno. »dogovor nima prav nobenega pomena tukaj,« se je strinjala z nečem, kar je rekel. potem pa je nadaljeval in jezno je uprla pogled v njegove oči; preveč besna in preveč na robu vsega, da bi lahko karkoli rekla. čustva, ki so se že tako dolgo nabirala v njej, so se nenadoma prebila do površja in v naslednjem trenutku ga je s silo svojega telesa premaknila za nekaj korakov, ko se je pognala proti njemu in ga besno poljubila. bil je edini logično odziv za nyah.
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keon turner
keon turner
prispevki : 267
točke : 181
kraj bivanja : new york, usa.
starost lika : 23
tvoja starost : 30

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyPet Dec 06, 2013 9:02 pm

she  was having a difficult day. she overslept in the morning for the first time in ages – literally ages, hazel never did that – and for the rest of the day she was just rushing around. or at least she felt like that.  she sighed and closed her notebook when the lesson was finally over. it felt like ages and that was not something she would usually feel when she was in classes. her favorite professor usually taught this subject and he was gone today, so he was replaced by a younger substitute, who had no idea what was he even doing. she got up and put the notebook in her back before she walked out of the classroom. there, she was done for the day. her thoughts were already far from school when she walked out and smiled to herself when she noticed the beautiful day. and then someone crept up behind  her and she could feel her whole body twitch because of unexpected touch. “wilder, if that is you, I swear I will…” she started because he was the first suspect in her mind, but then she heard the voice. she remained completely still for few seconds and then turned around quickly. “tray!” she used the nickname she gave him when they were both just kids, but she was too overwhelmed to do anything else. she hugged him; she hugged him tightly and probably smiled like an idiot. “tray, what are you – what are you doing here?” it didn’t matter. “I am so so so very glad to see you!” she was still smiling widely when she moved away and looked at him. he was the same as she remembered -  but she could never forget him, they were really close. “oh my gosh!” she exclaimed again and hugged him, this time resting her head on his shoulder, still not entirely sure if all of it was really happening or if she was just dreaming.
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paxton terrell
paxton terrell
3rd year of medicine
3rd year of medicine
prispevki : 177
točke : 94
kraj bivanja : usa
starost lika : 20
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyPet Dec 06, 2013 10:00 pm
this post is for dear hazel i've got 331 words in this post, i'm listening to bastille and :3

the fountain Tumblr_mwe0r1RIPl1s5zdm7o5_250

he thought that she will get to know him from a second when she hears a strange british accent in the middle of island, but guess he was not the only one from that long distance destination. “ thank god you recognized me. I thought you ditched me over that wilder guy “ his lips turned into satisfied smile when she hugged him as tight as she could. he really missed that cute brown-headed girl that was standing in front of him, well more smiling and hugging like idiot in front of him, but he liked her in that way. when she was smiling, feeling carefree and with her mind directed only on positivity. “ I suddenly got rich and I didn`t know where to go with all that money so I decided to spend it on school. ” he was lying but a little bit of sarcasm couldn`t hurt anyone. “ really ? I couldn`t sense that over all this smiling and hugging. I just thought you went crazy not glad to see me. ” he was just teasing her because he liked to do that. sometimes he wasn`t able to stop and he got from her only mad face that made her even more cute and adorable. especially when she was younger and those dimples on her cheeks were even more intense when she was smiling . his arms hugged her again and then he left them resting on her hips while she was resting her head on his shoulders. it felt great. it felt like a home, because that was she to him – a home. sweet home. “ I came to study here. I guess my tests were extremely good and I got a scholarship. not that you have to be extremely smart to study theatre direction but still – I am here no matter what I study. ” that was only important thing in the whole story. that he was here now and if she had any kind of problem he was there for her. like always. “ so, how things are going for you here ? ” he had to asked. sure, they talked over skype and phone, but talking in person felt more real. felt like he never heard all those things and this was the first time.

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keon turner
keon turner
prispevki : 267
točke : 181
kraj bivanja : new york, usa.
starost lika : 23
tvoja starost : 30

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptySob Dec 07, 2013 12:44 pm

she seemed amused by his words. ”wilder guy? no, he is just someone who really likes to sneak up on me and scare me and what are you even talking about, you know I would never ditch you! not even in a million years,” she said with a serious tone and tried really hard for an offended expression on her face. after all, she could never really replace him. he was her best friend, for heaven sake! she loved him since… since forever. he always made sure she got away from her beloved books and outside. he made her do things she never would and he was always there for her. how could she ever leave him behind? she frowned a little when he spoke. ”well, then it’s a good thing that I am best friend and you can take me cruising now, right?” she giggled and shook her head no. he was always like that – he never took things too seriously. maybe that was why they always worked so well together – she was too serious and he was not serious at all. when you put those two together, they balanced each other. ”don’t talk nonsense,” she said, still smiling widely because she actually saw him in person. it felt like she didn’t see him in ages and here he was: standing in front of her with that grin of his. ”so you came after me!” she decided with a smile and then nodded so he knew she wasn’t all that serious. ”whatever the reason, I am just extremely happy you are here. I missed you so much!” she announced and then smiled. she did. he was the only person she used to talk to for hours and he felt like home to her. ”um, nothing much. nothing new. I mean, I told you everything already, but okay. come here,” she pulled him to the side so they were able to sit down. ”I met a lot of amazing people and professors are really good. I honestly love it here! but it felt a bit empty from time to time and it was your fault,” she smiled at the accusation and pushed a strand of hair behind. ”but now you are here. in which sorority are you? when did you come here? how do you like it so far? tell me everything,” she demanded with a smile on her face. gosh, she was really happy about him being here.
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paxton terrell
paxton terrell
3rd year of medicine
3rd year of medicine
prispevki : 177
točke : 94
kraj bivanja : usa
starost lika : 20
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptySob Dec 07, 2013 2:28 pm
this post is for dear hazel i've got 515 words in this post, i'm listening to bastille and :3

the fountain Tumblr_mwe0r1RIPl1s5zdm7o5_250

it was quite unbelieving that he was standing in front of her and having this privilege to see her in person and talk to her from face to face. her skin was shining in the daylight and her dimples were smiling right back at him no matter that she had a serious expression on her face. “ yeah I see. you even found a bad copy of me with this scaring and sneaking up thing. ” he really enjoyed making fun of her and being just a big child in a big world. some people didn`t quite understand how they worked out. for him everything was about being in contact with people, about fun, being a child, living a peter pan life and still being able to work things out when it was time to be serious. and she on other hand didn`t need people this much around her, she was enjoying her evening in front of television or books. from time to time she liked to go on long walks and she avoided clubs and bars and crowded places. and this is why he loved her. she was keeping him balanced, she reminded him when to put his voice and behavior on serious note and he reminded her that she is young, full of life with a future in front of her and that she needs to chill and sometimes be that girl in bar or a club. “ of course ! I just bought old fishing boat. it can take us anywhere. ” it was amazing how he could keep his face serious like he really means all his words and everything is not just a silly game with a words. “ then I wouldn`t be fully myself, “ he answered her in more relaxed tone with a big cheeky smile on his face. “ well…we can say that I did yes. ” travis did worry back home if she was really okay. somehow back in leigh she had him and he was always there to take care of her or to walk her home in the night. here was a different story. “ I missed you too, haz, ” he said in a loving tone with his eyes settled on her. he took a seat right next to her when she pulled him and managed to answer him all along. “ well I am sorry. I told you before you left that you forgot to pack me. but I guess that plan of me hiding in suitcase wouldn`t really worked out. so luckily I had a plan b. ” he could brag her about his emptiness that she caused but this time he really stayed quiet and focused on her questions. “ well you have a quite a lot of questions prepared for me. I am in delta phi and don`t ask me for number of the room I forgot it. I came here two days ago and by far I quite like it. it`s nice and warm but I only miss Hawaiian shirts on people and roses around their neck. ”

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keon turner
keon turner
prispevki : 267
točke : 181
kraj bivanja : new york, usa.
starost lika : 23
tvoja starost : 30

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptySob Dec 07, 2013 3:02 pm

she frowned a little again. ”technically looking he found me. no wait, I did. I told him that his magic isn’t real. he is that magic kid I told you about, come on, you remember him!” she said, looking at him with a smile on her face. when they were talking on skype or over phone he always made her give him the complete description of her days. she tried to do as he asked, but she always had a weird feeling that her days were boring. yeah, something happened every now and then, but other than that she stayed in her comfort zone. expect the three things that scared her per day. she still had that deal with herself and she tried to stick to it. she looked at him and giggled when he mentioned the boat. he was such a funny person and he always knew how to make her laugh. not a lot of people could do that. ”yeah, we should totally go research the oceans near the island,” she agreed with his words. it was a funny idea, though. she didn’t have much faith in his sailing abilities. he was really talented when it came to theatre and all, but other than that… she smiled to herself and looked at him. ”that is nice to hear!” she exclaimed. it was; she missed him a lot and he was like an older brother to her. she loved him very much and she always told him that. ”I still strongly doubt that I would make it far on the airport if they would discover a person in my suitcase,” she had to laugh a little because the idea itself was very, very amusing. ”delta phi? oh! axel is in delta phi.” she was blushing a little now. she talked with him about axel too; she trusted him. ”and I will make sure to visit you often. you won’t be able to get rid of me now,” she teased him with a grin on her face and then she realized what he said, frowned and punched him in the shoulder in the next second. ”what?” she said and shook her head. ”now I am really disappointed. two days? you needed two days to find me? oh, you will have to make that up to me, tray,” she announced with a smile on her face.
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paxton terrell
paxton terrell
3rd year of medicine
3rd year of medicine
prispevki : 177
točke : 94
kraj bivanja : usa
starost lika : 20
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptySob Dec 07, 2013 4:59 pm
this post is for dear hazel i've got 495 words in this post, i'm listening to bastille and :3

the fountain Tumblr_mwe0r1RIPl1s5zdm7o5_250

» is he actually still believing in his magic? « his eyes widened in surprise, because he really thought that she was only joking or it was just something maybe she believe or that wilder guy was making fun of her. but not even for a second he wasn`t taking a situation for genuinely. not that bothered him that some guy believed in magic, everyone believed in something, but just when hazel told him about wilder didn`t really study the situation good. “wherever you want, miss. just  you and me and my little luxury fish boat, ” he said that in royal tone that he could produce from his british accent. he could actually imagined him and hazel on a boat floating around the sea and trying to have an adventure of their lives but he quickly came back to reality and he putted away his imagination. travis did really watch way to much Indiana jones and films that were close to the adventure scenario.
“that`s why is always good to have a plan b. “ he was going on with that idea of him hiding in suitcase, but in reality even he wasn`t crazy enough to really try it. still it was the best way that he stayed home and she flew to the Bahamas, while he was studying and trying to get himself a scholarship. and he made it. “ nice. old people always say that we should keep our enemies close. ” of course he was joking. axel wasn`t his enemy, he was just protective over his best friend and he wanted just for her to be happy. if is that with this axel guy then he is happy too. but he still had to find out more about him and somehow the idea of him being in the same dorm as axel was flattering. axel was always on his eyes and hazel could in second be near him if something would went wrong with that unknown guy. “ you do know that visiting the delta phi house and knocking on axel`s doors is not the same as knocking on mine? “ he was just checking if she knew that and he really hoped that she will find a time to be annoying with her knocking on his door and spending time with him, because suddenly so much was going on her life. “ I am new here. I had to adapt and unpack and actually find my house and sign up for classes and then I decided to actually surprise you. I was stalking you to find your spots and here I am. ” he explained while putting a palm on place where she punched him gently as woman could. “ let`s put all the jokes for a second on a side and talk serious. are you and axel a thing or not ? ” he asked as a friend in a serious note and this time he found himself frowning.

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keon turner
keon turner
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the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptySob Dec 07, 2013 6:16 pm

she smiled. it was the kind of effect he always had on her. he knew how to make her feel better and how to cheer her up. but then he asked her about wilder and she nodded. ”well, not magic, to be honest. he is just really into magic and things like that. he has his magic tricks and he is actually good at them. I don’t know, people just… tend to fall for them,” she explained and shrugged. ”well, he is a nice guy nonetheless.” she smiled, even though she usually described everyone like that. ”and we can live happily ever after and drink cocktails and sunbathe,” she grinned. it was a funny idea, really – but it was a joke, all of it. they would never ever survive like that and she wouldn’t even want to leave, even though it was probably a fun idea for vacation. her face was a bit worried in the next second. ”wait, you do know that axel is not your enemy, right?” she said and frowned a little, somehow worried for everything now. ”I have no idea what you are trying to say!” she said quickly and blushed a little. ”and I know. and I probably won’t even knock on your doors. oh wait, I probably should. do you plan to have a lot of lady visitors?” she wondered with a smile on her face. well, better safe than sorry, right? she shook her head in disapproval. ”well you could at least tell me you were here. I mean, come one! and here I was, thinking that you are still in england. god, you should’ve warned me!” she hit him again and giggled. she wasn’t all that serious, even though she was a bit upset because he didn’t let her know that earlier. but then again she was also way to happy to see him anyway and she wasn’t angry at all. but then he asked her about axel and her face was serious when she sighed. ”well, to be honest… I don’t really know. we had our first date the other night and it was lovely, but… we didn’t say anything specific?” she was confused now that he asked her and she was just looking at him now, waiting for any kind of response.
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paxton terrell
paxton terrell
3rd year of medicine
3rd year of medicine
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the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyNed Dec 08, 2013 10:39 am
this post is for dear hazel i've got 449 words in this post, i'm listening to bastille and :3

the fountain Tumblr_mwe0r1RIPl1s5zdm7o5_250

it would be nice to have life like that : on a boat, floating around the sea, drinking cocktails and sunbathing, but life takes much more than just enjoying it. it takes to be responsible, to have a job and work it out every single day in a struggle. now they were just struggling with people on campus, with gossips and who wears what. when years on campus go by the life will begin for everyone. he was just thinking that for rich kids it will be easier and for him little less. “ i`m still not sure about that. if he will treat you nice maybe we can go on friendly note but I am always going to be on your side and not on his, “ he said even if he didn`t really mean what he said  before and it was just an old saying that people were telling; keep you friends close, but your enemies even closer. since axel was in delta phi and possibly room or two away from him then in whole keeping close situation played the important role destiny and not him. “ you do know what I am trying to say. you are even blushing, ” he said and pointed to her red cheeks. she was so adorable in that position. “ how can I know that ? I just came. and for a record I am gentleman and I don`t talk about my ladies. ” he wasn`t really a womanizer. he was way more immature to be a real boyfriend material and this is why every single relationship ended before even started. but he was an artist. he was working with love theme way too much and it was impossible not to believe in it. “ I didn`t want to, so I could surprise you. and gosh woman stop hitting you are hurting me. ” he smiled while saying that and shook his head. maybe he really could tell her, well he was about to do that when he arrived , but just second before clicking the right button he changed his mind. the idea of surprising her was more lovely to him. “ well from my point of view something is heating up and you don`t know what to do with yourself in whole story. am I right ? “ he knew her. she was way too much innocent for all this love stuff and she wasn`t a girl that will come to a boy and say to him everything what is on her soul and then ask him if they are a thing or not. she will just wait that things go as they are meant to be.
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keon turner
keon turner
prispevki : 267
točke : 181
kraj bivanja : new york, usa.
starost lika : 23
tvoja starost : 30

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyNed Dec 08, 2013 6:49 pm

she frowned a little, still thinking about his previous question. ”there is nothing wrong with a little magic, tray,” she smiled and reminded him of an important fact. ”besides, wilder is good. I am not sure how much he believes in it, but he most certainly can make other people believe in magic,” she explained. ”except me. you know I don’t do magic,” she added after a few seconds. she really didn’t – she would love the idea, of course, but it just seemed too irrational and she believed that she was a very rational human being. she titled her head a little, looking at travis before she smiled again. ”but seriously, you could take me to the pool or lunch or something… not all that luxurious? but still awesome. yeah, you know, like we used to do home in leigh,” she smiled and there was another question in her mind. ”did you talk to my parents before you came here?” she wondered. they were always in touch, but still. ”they didn’t say anything about you coming here, though,” she sighed, even though she knew that they would probably keep his secret if he would ask them to. she raised her eyebrows. ”so you are keeping a secrets before me in the name of being a gentleman now?” she asked with a serious face and then giggled. he told her important things, always. she didn’t hit him that hard, but she still had to smile. ”you know, I am allowed to hit you because you kept this from me!” she announced. she was so happy to see him here, it was almost unbelievable! he was an amazing person and she loved him very much. he was her support and the jing to her jang or something like that. ”well, kinda,” she said and smiled happily. ”we didn’t really talk about it. yet. I am not sure what I am even doing,” she admitted with a little laugh. they both knew she wasn’t really an expert on the dating field.
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paxton terrell
paxton terrell
3rd year of medicine
3rd year of medicine
prispevki : 177
točke : 94
kraj bivanja : usa
starost lika : 20
tvoja starost : 29

the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyPon Dec 09, 2013 4:51 pm
this post is for dear hazel i've got 491 words in this post, i'm listening to bastille and :3

the fountain Tumblr_mwe0r1RIPl1s5zdm7o5_250

» there is no magic, haz. it`s just a way how to trick people. “ travis didn`t believe in much. astrology, magic, god, everything was a strange for him. only imagination that he had to work with in his plays. but he didn`t believe in it. “ and me. I only believe in what is true and proved. magic isn`t. ” he added to her words and shrug his shoulders. he didn`t want to talk just about the guy he didn`t know beside from her stories. “ well I think I have enough money to do so. to take you on breakfast, lunch and dinner all together, “ he smiled to her while saying that. he wasn`t completely broke and the idea of sitting down in peaceful setting with her was tempting. just like she said they did that a lot back home in leigh. he was waiting on her downstairs in her house to take her on coffee before school or on lunch if they were way too much hungry to wait on coming home. “ I did, “ he admitted and look carefully at her. “ because I asked them. I didn`t want to tell you straight away. as I said I wanted to be surprise and I really had to beg your mom not to call you in a second she find out. but they are more calm knowing that you are not alone in this. oh and my grandmother is saying hi. ” he knew her family and he was really close with them. they were like his own family and his grandmother loved hazel too. she was always thinking that they would make great couple and teased them that they should take their relationship into that way but she was just old soul believing in some romantic stories and idea of two best friends who were growing up together  and then falling in love seemed lovely for her. “ I am your best friend and I tell you everything but I still have reputation to keep. “ in reality he didn`t put much on what people were saying about him behind his back. if people thought that he is a womanizer then it was their problem not his. he knew exactly how he was and people close around him as well. “ yeah once. you don`t need to harm me. ” he defended himself with a smile on his face because in other hand she was cute trying to seriously hit him but he felt no pain at all. “ little hazel has a boyfriend and it`s growing up. she will be kissed every day and all in love. ” he started to teasing her but at and he pulled her into a hug while messing her hair. “ you don`t have to do much. just admit your real feelings when you are asked. “ it was only advice he could gave her and his support.
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kato makela
kato makela
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the fountain Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: the fountain   the fountain EmptyPet Dec 13, 2013 8:15 pm
ariel's cry was tearing apart his soul. no matter what he did, she did not stop screaming. if she wouldn't be a two year old toddle, if she wouldn't be his own daughter, he would be horribly annoyed with the sound of her cry, but then it just made him so horribly sad that he felt totally dysfunctional after half our of her lungs proving that they are strong as fuck. he was surprised that a little body like hers was able to produce such strong sound, but yet ha wasn't amazed by that. this little peasant step over the line of his patience a long time ago, but there was a reason that babies were so unbelievably cute and he was just finding that out: if you have just a little bit of heart, you simply can't left that little irresistible creature unhappy.

she always loved nature, and she always loved water. no wonder that the fountain was the place that she loved the most on the campus. yes, it was around nine o'clock and her cry may disturb some people, but he really already tried everything. "hush, for the love of god," se whispered in her ear when they were heading to their destination, the fountain. he didn't expect company there, so he was quite surprised when he saw a woman standing there, staring into the water. ariel laughed when she saw her beloved water and stopped crying in the exact moment. joey looked at a stranger and nodded at her. "look, i'm really sorry to bother you... ut my daughter needed to come here. she loves this place and... i'm sorry, do i know you?" it was something strange about her. like she was a ghost from his past.

this is for amelia! smitten
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