
 acenut, luke andreas

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luke acenut
luke acenut
prispevki : 13
točke : 2
kraj bivanja : L.A.
starost lika : 23
tvoja starost : 24

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ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: acenut, luke andreas   acenut, luke andreas EmptySob Dec 28, 2013 10:06 am

luke andreas acenut
23 – preforming arts/music – l.a. – epsilon sigma phi – tyler psoey

001. no, pa začnimo s popolnoma formalnimi zadevami. tvoje polno ime je?
with my middle name? luke andreas acenut.

002. in za kaj si prišel/šla na ta otok? kaj študiraš?
i came here mostly to have fun. You know what they say – student's life is the best life. And i'm here for that. Oh and ofc i want to succeed. I want people to know me and love my work. I study all of the performing arts, but mostly music. I’m not really into dancing.

003. pa meniš, da si zasluženo tukaj? je imel pri tem prste tudi kdo drug?
of course i am. Do you really thing my beloved parents could help me come here? They’re just a bunch of nobodies – a criminal and a stripper. And they don’t give a shit about me. So yeah, I came here all by myself. I guess that’s because I’m quite good at what I do.

004. imaš kakšen hobi? kaj rad/a počneš?
I live for my music. I love listening to it, writing it… but I couldn’t live without my friends. And of course some girls. I always have lots of fun with them, but I guess I’m not the only one. The difference between me and other players is that I can’t help it. Girls just love me. And I can’t say I don’t like it.

005. si levičar/ka ali desničar/ka?
right handed.

006. kaj je prva stvar, ki jo narediš takrat, ko prideš domov?
I walk trough the door?

007. če bi stopili v tvojo sobo, kaj bi bilo na tvoji nočni omarici? ali pa košu za smeti?
not much…  just some books, my guitar (yes, it’s on my night stand), phone, sunglasses,  a pack of cigarettes… and in the trash? Lots and lots of papers.

008. katere so bile zadnje osebe, s katerimi si opravil/a mobilni pogovor? recimo, naj jih bo 5.
just let me find my phone.. I always lose thing. Oh, here it is. Okay, am there’s my little sister, she just came here and wanted to talk, then there’s my best friend, two girls that I met last night and once again, my best friend.

009. kakšna bi bila tvoja reakcija ob spoznanju, da je tvoje letalo prisiljeno pristati zaradi okvare?
I’d hope that we’ll land on a deserted island. That girl next to me is hot.

010. se bojiš žuželk?
actually no. I just don’t really like them.

011. imaš svojo boljšo polovico?
I do. My pack of cigarettes and my guitar.

012. kaj pa tvoja družina? ste med seboj povezani?
oh, yes, we’re such a happy family. We hug all the time, wear matching sweaters, share clothes… are you shitting me? My dad just got out of jail and my mum’s a stripper. The only person I care about is my sister. I’d do anything for her. And if we go back to my parents, I should tell you that they never cared about me. I’m not even sure they know that I’m here. They’re probably too drunk to notice that I’m not there.

013. ob odraščanju, predvidevam, da je bilo v vaši kuhinji kup različnih vonjev. katerih treh se najbolje spominjaš?
cigarettes and alcohol. It was coming from all over the house. Sometimes, I could smell my mother’s perfume.  

014. je kozarec napol poln ali napol prazen?
if it’s juice in it, it’s half full.

015. če bi se lahko spremenil/a v žival, katera bi to bila?
probably a lion. Or a bird.

016. katerega od naštetih prostorov imaš najraje: obalo, notranjost svoje sobe, šolske predavalnice, ali kaj drugega?
i sure do love my room, but the beach isn't so bad either.

017. ali verjameš v nebesna znamenja?
no. that’s a bullshit.

018. kaj v svojem življenju najbolj obžaluješ?
leaving my sister with my parents when I came here. But I had to go if I wanted to make sure that she’ll have a better life.

019. kdo je bil/a oseba, s katero si doživel/a prvi poljub? izgubo nedolžnosti?
I think it was my best friend – a girl of course – when I was thirteen. Not both, of course. I lost my virginity when I was about fifteen. I don’t actually remember her name.

020. v kakšnem kostumu bi se prikazal/a na zabavi za noč čarovnic?
probably a devil?

021. kaj je bilo na meniju tvojega zadnjega kosila?
pizza and beer. nothing fancy.

022. čaj ali kava?
definetly coffee. It saved my life couple of times.

023. ali v kaj verjameš? v boga? karkoli drugega?
I only believe in myself.

024. kakšno zvrst glasbe najraje poslušaš?
rock or pop. but mostly my music.

025. kaj bi te najlažje spravilo v jok?
as I said, I love my sister. I’d probably cry if something would happen to her.

026. če bi te prijatelji morali opisati v petih besedah, katere bi to bile?
wild, womanizer, funny, musician, thinker? I really do think a lot.

027. opiši mi tvoje sanje, tvoja pričakovanja?
I want to be a successful musician, isn’t that obvious?

cindy – almost 14 – enough:)- n/a- awesomee & my english is terrible, sorry

kay is rocking your world!
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2nd year of tba
2nd year of tba
prispevki : 1172
točke : 267
kraj bivanja : pinepple tree under the sea
starost lika : //
tvoja starost : 32

acenut, luke andreas Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: acenut, luke andreas   acenut, luke andreas EmptySob Dec 28, 2013 12:30 pm

luke acenut, welcome to withmore's institute of education!

cindy, your english is perfeeeect! :3 in ne zafrkavam se, res! opisek je sprejet, bejži popisati formalnosti in se loti pisanja na forumu! enjoy!!

kakorkoli, hitro popiši face claim in member directory, odpri plot page in tvoje življenje tu se lahko začne! pa srečno (:
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