
 morrison, joseph rick

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morrison, joseph rick Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: morrison, joseph rick   morrison, joseph rick EmptyNed Dec 08, 2013 8:01 pm

joseph rick morrison
22 - manhattan, new york - epsilon sigma phi - pedagogy - julian schratter

001. no, pa začnimo s popolnoma formalnimi zadevami. tvoje polno ime je?
oh god, i hate my real name so much, but here we go: joseph rick morison. i go by joey, everybody knows me as joey, so please, don't call me joseph. it just won't be cool, bro.

002. in za kaj si prišel/šla na ta otok? kaj študiraš?
i came here mostly for my daughter, ariel. i know i can assure her a better life only if i get myself the best education possible, so here i am. she is also one of the reasons why i'm studying pedagogy - she helped me realize that i wanted to be a teacher, even if that wish was in me for a long time.

003. pa meniš, da si zasluženo tukaj? je imel pri tem prste tudi kdo drug?
i earned every single minute of my time here. i was raised in a quite poor family and i could only dream about whitmore. i came here with hard work and my intelligence.

004. imaš kakšen hobi? kaj rad/a počneš?
well i basically have no free time, you know *laugh* i study a lot and being a single dad is not as easy as it seems, so... i used to go to parties a lot, but that's not my thing anymore. but i still just love a good stand-up comedy, that's something i never want to miss.

005. si levičar/ka ali desničar/ka?
i am left handed, and i think i handed that curse on to my doughter. *laugh*

006. kaj je prva stvar, ki jo narediš takrat, ko prideš domov?
i check on ariel, of course.

007. če bi stopili v tvojo sobo, kaj bi bilo na tvoji nočni omarici? ali pa košu za smeti?
oh dear god, our room is a mess. i hate it that way, but if i i tidy everything i just can't find anything anymore, so that's how we live now: in a mess. damn, i could really use some womay company. so i don't even know what's on my bedside cabinet, sorry.

008. katere so bile zadnje osebe, s katerimi si opravil/a mobilni pogovor? recimo, naj jih bo 5.
okay, let me see... jack, amber, my father... he is so heplful and i really need him recently... marc, and jack again. that's it. yep, i don't really recieve a lot of phonecalls from grils. for my whole life, i've only had girl-friends, if you know what i mean. i've been friendzoned for so many times that i get dizzy only from the thought of it.

009. kakšna bi bila tvoja reakcija ob spoznanju, da je tvoje letalo prisiljeno pristati zaradi okvare?
id i would be there alone, i'd be fine. if ariel would be there with me, i'd loose my mind.

010. se bojiš žuželk?

011. imaš svojo boljšo polovico?
well, she has half of my genes and she is all mine, so it's tatally legit if i say that would be my daughter *laugh* no, i don't have my better half. friendzone guy, remember? my friends always tell me that i'm too nice, funny and gentle. that sould be the reasons that girls always look at me only as a friend, i guess.

012. kaj pa tvoja družina? ste med seboj povezani?
my family? well i kind of gae who of them. i always got along with my parents, but recently, i've been even closer with my father. but areil is my real family now and i love her more than anything, so i guess that's working too.

013. ob odraščanju, predvidevam, da je bilo v vaši kuhinji kup različnih vonjev. katerih treh se najbolje spominjaš?
oh my, you caught me on this one. i have absolutley no idea or memory of smells *laugh*

014. je kozarec napol poln ali napol prazen?
it's all full, always.

015. če bi se lahko spremenil/a v žival, katera bi to bila?
right now, i would be mama bear.

016. katerega od naštetih prostorov imaš najraje: obalo, notranjost svoje sobe, šolske predavalnice, ali kaj drugega?
i like nature, light and comfy places. beach, forest, park - tht's my territory.

017. ali verjameš v nebesna znamenja?
no, i don't.

018. kaj v svojem življenju najbolj obžaluješ?
well let me tell you a story. now you know quite a lot about myself, i've told you that girls just don't fall for me for their strange reasons. so i ended up being nineteen and still a virgin... it felt like crap, trust me. so i got drunk one night and i hired a call girl, i just wanted to get over with that sex thing. but boom, i got her pregnant. that was the only time i had sex and hell yes i regretted that! but nine months she gave me the most precious thing that i have in my life. regret became my blessing.

019. kdo je bil/a oseba, s katero si doživel/a prvi poljub? izgubo nedolžnosti?
i had my first kiss in seenth grade, when we were playing spin the bottle. how unfortunate. and i'e all ready told you about my virginity. unfortuante 2.0.

020. v kakšnem kostumu bi se prikazal/a na zabavi za noč čarovnic?
i would be superman and ariel would be superbaby.

021. kaj je bilo na meniju tvojega zadnjega kosila?
mac and cheese or something like that.

022. čaj ali kava?
coffe is like my droug, i can't live without it. bat habit, i know.

023. ali v kaj verjameš? v boga? karkoli drugega?
i got ariel christened, but i personally don't believe in all that miracles and magical stuff.

024. kakšno zvrst glasbe najraje poslušaš?
popular music, the one that's on the radio. sadly, i don't have my own taste - it just has to be catchy and fun.

025. kaj bi te najlažje spravilo v jok?
if something would happen to my little girl, absolutley.

026. če bi te prijatelji morali opisati v petih besedah, katere bi to bile?
they would say that i'm a nice guy and that's really the thing that defines me. i help people, i work for charity organizations. what else... they'd say that i'm friendly, a bit naive, always happy and optimistic. they also say i have a really good sense of humor and that i can make people laugh.

027. opiši mi tvoje sanje, tvoja pričakovanja?
i want to become a teacher and raise my daughter well. and finding a girl, that's really important to me. i hope i'll find somebody that will love me, finally not only as a friend *laugh*

ems - foruteen - meh - my darling isaac! - yadadada, second charrie yay! dear god my english is so bad sorry

kay is rocking your world!
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prispevki : 587
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kraj bivanja : la, usa
starost lika : 21
tvoja starost : 30

morrison, joseph rick Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: morrison, joseph rick   morrison, joseph rick EmptyNed Dec 08, 2013 9:14 pm

Gost welcome to withmore's institute of education!

dobrodošla na ftp! smitten joey je tak srček da adijo + single daddy? punce ga bodo razgrabile kot znižane čevlje, i'm telling you. anyway, popiši vse potrebno, odpri plot in uživaj! (:

kakorkoli, hitro popiši face claim in member directory, odpri plot page in tvoje življenje tu se lahko začne! pa srečno (:
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morrison, joseph rick

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